Good evening!
Over the next month, we are migrating to a new patek philippe replica watches exciting server. I know all of you have been amazed and impressed with the up-time and lightning-speed of our current servers, and I can assure you that you will have it even better with this new one
Who is affected by this migration?
All clients with websites and those with email and other web services like file storage, etc, are affected.
Will my website be down??
No, we are making the transfer as seamless as possible. If there is a downtime, it will only be for a few seconds, that you will not even notice. Rest assured that all services will keep on running audemars piguet replica watches without breaking stride, so be assured of service availability.
What is new in the migration?
All clients will get new login details, and those with SSL will be contacted in case we need a copy of your certificates for migration. Note that there may be a need to re-generate certificates with the new server details.
You will also have a new control omega replica watches panel with better and greater features than the current one.
Finally, we are also augumenting security, so there will be greater security features for all your services.
For any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us on 0780585402 during normal working hours (East African time please).